New Year – New Happenings
As of January 2021, we are pleased to welcome Liza Johnston, APC, Therapist.
A new Counselor has joined Great Oak Counseling

She is looking forward to serving children, teens, and adults. For more information see her profile posted on our web site.
New Office Phone Number
Please note our new office number is (678) 404-0093.
It provides us with more customizable features to serve you better. Please feel free to give us your feedback.
New Tele-Health Platform
We will be transitioning from Thera-Link to Google Meets (HIPAA compliant) in the coming month. Your therapist will let you know as this change occurs for individual clients.
New Groups Coming in March
Middle School Group for Anxious Girls and High School Group for Anxious Girls:
Meeting in person with Covid-19 precautions including mask wearing, temperature check, and social distancing.
Focusing on Self-Regulation and Coping Skills Using the Expressive Arts, Sessions may include cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), strength-based solution focused therapy, mindfulness, bibliotherapy, games, drawing, painting, crafts, mixed media.
Parenting Group for Parents and Caregivers of Anxious Children and Teens
Virtual Group for parents and caregivers. Focusing on psychoeducation, coaching, and feedback.
Use our contact page if you have any questions or seek further information.