Come join us for…

A Day of Play

Come and re-discover the power of play. In the rush to make every activity productive or an Instagram moment, it is easy to lose track of the simple joys in life . Play offers a much needed relief from the pressure that the quest for productivity creates.

Facilitated by Brenda Romanchik, LCSW

When: February 10, 2024, 10 am to 4:30 pm

Where: Geode Wellness Bldg., 3499 South Cobb Dr. SE, Smyrna, GA


10 am to 10:30 – Introduction with Toys and Doodling

10:30 am to 11:45 am – A Walk Down Memory Lane

11:45 am to 1 pm – Fun with Food

1 pm to 2 pm -Art without purpose

2 pm to 3 pm – Games

3 pm to 4 pm – Playing with your senses

4 pm to 4:15 pm -Bubbles and Goodbyes

Re-enter the world of imagination…
Unlock your playful side…